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earthquake教学设计,reading earthquake教学设计(三篇)

来源:造句   2019-09-11

下面是中国文库网www.chinawenwang.com小编整理的reading earthquake教学设计(三篇),供大家参考!

  reading earthquake教学设计(三篇)

  reading earthquake教学设计一

  Unit4 Earthquake- reading教案

  Teaching goals:

  1. Target language 目标语言

  Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.

  2. Ability goals 能力目标

  Train the students’ reading and speaking ability.

  Train the students’ ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information.

  Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

  Teaching important points:

  Train the students’ reading ability—skimming and scanning.

  Teaching difficult points:

  Describe the disasters.

  Teaching aids:


  Teaching procedures:

  Step1. Lead-in

  T: We have a visit to the museum of natural disasters, and you have learned about some brief introduction of most disasters. Today, I want to show you round the earthquake department, and I hope you will like it and learn some useful knowledge. Now let’s go.

  T: At the very beginning, I want to know how much you know about an quake.

  Q1: What would you take with you if a quake happened?

  Q2: The best way to save yourself is to know there will be a quake before it happens. What kind of signs can tell you that there is a quake?

  Q3: What kind of damage can an earthquake cause?

  S: buildings are destroyed; people are killed; families are broken…

  T: Let’s have a look at some pictures of such terrible site. (Pictures of quakes)

  T: (The last picture is monument of Tangshan quake.) Do you know what this is?

  Step2. Pre-Reading

  T: 30 years ago, on the day July, the 28th, a terrible disaster suddenly happened, and the beautifulTangshan was removed from the map. This is Tangshan quake. Does any body know something aboutTangshan quake?

  T: Let’s read a news report about the famous quake.

  Step3. While-reading

  I. Skimming & scaring

  Get the students comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading.

  T: First please skim the passage fast to obtain/ get a general understanding of the whole passage. And underline the answers to the following questions.

  1. When did the quake happen? (Why did the writer use different expression of the same thing?) 2. How many people were killed and injured during the quake? 3. How many buildings were destroyed? 4. Were there any people coming to rescue them?

  II. While reading, divide the whole passage into 3parts and find out the main idea of each part.

  Para.1 before the quake

  Para.2-3 during the quake

  Para.4 after the quake

  II. Careful-reading

  Read the passage again and try to get more detailed information.

  T: Now let’s read the passage again and find more information. Join the correct parts of the sentences. (Turn to page 27, ex1)

  T: Now you have read the passage carefully, please put the sentences in order. Number each of these things during the Tangshan quake.(Turn to page 27, ex2)

  T: here are some more work for you. You can work in groups.

  1. What strange things happened before the quake? 2. What sentences can express the quake is GREAT? 3. What numbers can express the quake is GREAT? 4. What metaphor does the writer use to say the quake is GREAT? 5. What happened when rescue work was going on? 6. How did the army help to rescue survivors? 7. Complete the passage with some of the words in bold in the report.(Turn to page 28, ex2)

  T: Let’s watch some pictures, and comparing the old Tangshan, the Tangshan after quake, and the newTangshan we see today.

  Step 4 Post-reading (discussing)

  T: After read the news report, and see so many pictures, what impresses you most? Why?

  Or what do you learn from such a disaster?

  (Self-rescue, environment protection, rebuilt, love and help)

  I: self-rescue (a video game)

  T: When in a quake, if you know some self-rescue skills, you may probably save yourself. If you want to know some of the skills, click here. (Link to the index)

  Let’s do little game to see how much you know about self-rescue.

  II. What did they suffer and feel?

  T: Can you understand what they suffer and what they feel after such a disaster?

  T: If you were one of the rescuers 30 years ago, what could you say and what can you do to comfort them? Or how could you help them?

  III. Rebuilding

  T: we see that the new Tangshan has been set up. What is needed to rebuild Tangshan.

  IV: environment protection

  T: nowadays there are more disasters than before. One of the reasons is that we pay more attention to our economy development than the earth we live.

  Look at these pictures. What can we students do to save the earth?

  T: Though the disasters destroy buildings, people’s lives, but it can not destroy the love among us.

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Find more news reports about earthquake.

  2. Write a piece of news about Tangshan. You can use the information in the passage.

  reading earthquake教学设计二

  Unit 4 Earthquakes 教学设计

  第一课时 听说课(口语为主)

  课 型 听 说 课

  教学内容 warming up, pre-reading, (workbook) listening

  教学目标 1. 知识目标:

  (1)初步熟悉与地震有关的单词crack, cut across, canal, fall down等;


  2. 能力目标:




  3. 情感目标:


  教学重难点 1. 重点:



  2. 难点:



  教学策略和媒体 1. 资料策略:利用网络搜集有关唐山的图片资料、有关地震的成因、防震救灾知识等。

  2. 自主学习:指导学生课前自主学习有与本课时有关的内容。

  3. 合作学习:小组合作讨论地震成因及口头编故事。

  教 学 过 程

  步 骤 教学活动 设计意图

  Step 1:preparations 课前学生在教师的指导下通过网络查找如下内容:

  1. 唐山和旧金山的图片;

  2. 地震先兆知识;

  3. 地震的成因及世界各地的传说。 1. 资源策略:培养学生在网络上查找、筛选资料的能力;

  2. 自主探究

  Step 2:

  Speaking practice Task 1:以竞猜的方法让学生猜出本单元涉及的两个城市。教师一边通过多媒体展示图片,一边让学生说出所看到的内容,同时加以启发提示。找一些能反映两地典型城市特征的图片,逐一展示,让学生慢慢猜出。

  Task 2:介绍本单元新单词

  利用多媒让学生充分领略两城市的优美风光后,教师转而问学生,如果两地经历了一场地震,会是什么样呢?向学生展示震后两地图片,引导学生认识本单元的新单词。 1. 描述两个城市培养学生表达自己观点的能力,可以激活学生头脑中有关图式经验,巩固学生已有的知识点。

  2. 通过多媒体展示图片,呈现新单词。为接下来的听力练习从词汇方面降低难度。

  Step 3:(workbook)

  listening Task 3:完成(workbook) listening

  (1) 听前预测。学生听录音前对练习一的答案进行预测,根据高中学生已有的地理知识应该能预测正确多数答案,这样降低了难度。

  (2) 听第一遍,完成练习一。

  (3) 仔细听录音,完成第二题。

  (4) 听力练习完成后,要求学生根据所听内容,参考图片,简单介绍地震的成因。 1. 进行听前预测可以让学生对于所要听的材料有所了解,为听力练习提供背景,激活已有图式经验。这样可以降低听力练习的难度。

  2. 有了充分的输入后,进行及时的输出,是口语教学策略之一。

  Step 4: Discussion Task 4:小组活动 Story-telling



  1. In pairs make up a story to explain how an earthquake happens.

  2. Describe what happens in an interesting way as the teacher tells.

  3. Share your story with your classmates. Decide which one is the most interesting. Give a reason. 听前的文化背景介绍、听前的讨论、听后回答和复述、听后模仿、听后理解和听后讨论。听说法教学中的这六个环节是一个完整的交际过程,学生始终在听—理解—说的循环过程中,作为主体参与交际,处于师生、学生之间互动状态中,保持口头交际的兴趣和积极性,逐步提高口语能力。

  布置作业 1. 利用网络进一步了解唐山大地震的情况,通过小组合作,制作有关唐山地震的课件,下一课时向全班汇报。内容包括:地震发生的时间、造成损失、救援工作、重建等。

  2. 非测试性评价


  课 型 阅 读 课

  教学内容 Reading — A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep

  教学目标 1. 知识与能力

  (1) 了解唐山大地震的先兆、地震造成的损失及救灾等情况,培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。

  (2) 通过略读找到每段的主题句;通过查读掌握细节;通过细读,理解课文标题的含义,从而培养阅读理解微技能。

  (3) 语言点:leave的复合宾语、everywhere引导从句等。

  (4) 语篇重建:在正确理解课文的基础上,能根据教师提供的图表用自己的话复述课文,设计一次对唐山大震幸存者的访谈。

  2. 情感目标:通过了解唐山大地震前兆,培养学生对自然灾害的应对意识和能力;通过灾后重建,使学生树立战胜自然灾害的信心。

  教学重难点 1. 教学重点:

  (1) 通过语篇学习,掌握新闻报道的文体写作特点。

  (2) 培养学生对新闻报道文体的阅读技巧。

  2. 教学难点:

  (1) 在充分阅读的基础上,对课文进行复述和表达自己的观点。

  (2) 课文中的语言难点。

  教 学 过 程

  步 骤 教学活动 设计意图

  Step 1:

  导入 Task 1: 利用多媒体播放一段地震视频。学生看过,进行讨论。教师利用视频内容,介绍新单词。


  What is the film about?

  What can you see in the film? 利用视频导入,一方面可以激发学生的学习兴趣和探究的动机,另一方面,为学生提供话题导入新课。

  Step 2:

  快速阅读 Task 2: 整体理解文,归纳课文大意。

  要求学生快速通读全文,按时间顺序把文章分成三部分并概括大意。 梳理清楚课文线索。为各个环节的理解和开展做铺垫。整体粗读,领略内容大意。

  Step 3:仔细阅读 Task 3:细读课文,查找信息。


  ① People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night. (F)

  ②People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. (T)

  ③ More than 400,000 people were killed in the quake. (F)

  ④ Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock. (T)

  ⑤ People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan. (F)

  Task 4: 深层理解课文


  1. Why the title is A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP?

  2. What does the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again” mean?

  要求学生带着问题快速浏览文章,从阅读材料中,迅速查找这些特定的信息和具体的事实。 细读环节的任务有两个方面,其一是通过细读,学生学会查找细节信息的能力。对这种能力的培养可以通过让学生完成相关的阅读任务而形成,教师可以设计这样的任务,如正误判断、简单回答问题,填写表格,按某一逻辑顺序排列句子,等等


  Step 4:

  语言难点 1. 要求学生阅读课文找出难点,小组讨论解决难点,然后提出共同难点,交由全班讨论,最后老师分析总结。

  2. 老师提出难点,提问学生。

  (课件显示课文中由关系代词引导的定语从句)。 培养学生合作精神,解决文章难点,初步认识由关系代词引导的定语从句。帮助理解课文,为语法课做铺垫。

  Step 4:

  语言输出 1. 要求学生根据屏幕上的提示复述课文。提示如下:

  sign damage rescue


  before… during… after…

  2. 在以上复述的基础上,小组合作,进行采访。 在经过阅读进行语言输入的基础上,进行口头或书面的语言输出,巩固理解,让学生明确如何表述一篇难忘的经历,这写作提供指导。

  Step 6:

  作业 1. 课后把口头复述写成书面复述。

  2. 小组课堂评价表(课后完成)非测试性评价:小组互评,了解学生的学习情感、策略,由组长负责,组织小组反思,填写下表(以5分制计),并存入学习档案。 新课程标准认为评价体系应该“正确反映外语学习的本质和过程,满足学生发展的需要。”

  第三课时 语言知识课

  课 型 语 言 知 识 课

  教学内容 Discovering useful structures部分首先要求学生从文中找出定语从句进行分析,其次考查了定语从句关系词的选择。

  教学目标 1. 使用含有关系代词who, that, which, whose的定语从句口头描述自己熟悉的人或物。

  2. 写一篇介绍自己学校或朋友的短文,尽量使用含有关系代词who, that, which, whose等的定语从句。

  教学重难点 1.作定语用的关系代词whose的用法及与of which的区别。


  教 学 过 程

  步 骤 教学活动 设计意图

  Step 1:

  示范 教师利用多媒体向学生展示本校优美的校园环境和丰富的校园生活。请学生描述所看到的情景和人物,教师同时向学生用含有定语从句的句子总结学生的表述,引出定语从句。 利用学生熟悉的人或物进行定语从句的教学演示。

  Step 2:

  语言活动 Game 1:一个比划一个猜


  1. 两个人配合,一个人面对屏幕、另一个人背对屏幕,面对屏幕的用英语解释屏幕上出现的某种事物,背对屏幕的那个人则要根据同伴的解释猜出它的名称。

  2. 规定所猜的单词必须是教室范围以内的。

  3. 全班分几个小组,老师在屏幕上展示一张物品或人物图片,然后由面对屏幕的同学用英语来进行解释,解释对了而且同伴答对了,加一分,如果使用定语从句进行解释,就再加一分。

  Game 2:竞猜游戏(判断他/她是谁或它是什么)

  1. 活动形式:6~8人小组活动

  2. 情境设置:教师先对教室里的人、事或物进行口头描述。学生听后作出口头反应(说出是谁或是什么)。

  3. 游戏规则:游戏分初赛和复赛;初赛后每组选出优秀选手3人参加复赛。为了使任务更加有趣,组员每猜中一次可得一分;教师将学生猜中的人或物写在黑板上,以防重复猜测;最后角逐出前三名,并予以奖励。

  4. 注意事项:

  学生熟悉了该游戏后,教师可以加大游戏的难度。教师可以联系学生的实际,拓宽要猜测的人、事或物的范围。教师事先准备一些图画、照片或卡片(上面有文字),将学生分为两组:一组描述,另一组猜测。 根据对定语从句的功能(主要是用来描述、定义和补充说明)的理解,定语从句的教学不是为了让学生能在考试中选出某一道题的正确答案,而是让学生能运用定语从句描述或辨别他们所熟悉的人、事或物,学会定义某个名词,或通过阅读定义准确理解和掌握词义。因此,教师在学生掌握定语从句的基本规则后,应尽可能给学生提供表达的机会,使他们能够用所学语法项目进行口头或笔头的交流,以促使其对该语法项目的理解、掌握与运用。

  Step 3:

  归纳 用多媒体展示如下的表格,要求学生填写斜体字部分。

  关系代词 主语 人 who that This is the doctor who saved the boy’s life.

  The woman that is playing the piano is Miss Zhang.

  物 which that The river which(that) flows through the city is very long.

  Please pass me the book which is lying on the table.

  I’d like to see the films that are just on show.

  宾语 人 who(m) that She is the new student whom (who, that)I want to introduce to you.

  物 which that The river ( which, that) we crossed is very wide.

  Can you lend me the magazine about which you talked yesterday?

  The novel which Tom bought is very interesting.

  定语 whose The river whose banks are covered with tree is very long.

  The professor whose daughter teaches you English is Dr. Williams

  of which The bike whose brake was damaged has now been repaired.

  =The bike the brake of which was damaged has now been repaired.

  The river the banks of which (of which the banks) are covered with tree is very long.


  Step 4:

  检测 1: 分层次练习


  1. man ,the ,us, our English, teacher, who ,lives, is, to, next

  → The man who lives next to us is our English teacher.


  1. The man _______ lives next to us is our English teacher.

  A. whom B. which C. who D./


  1. The man is our English teacher. He lives next to us.

  → The man who lives next to us is our English teacher.


  1. 住在我们隔壁的那个人是我们的英语老师。

  2: 根据情况,选做课本上的练习。 如左例所示,把同一个句子编制成不同的题型供不同层次的学生测试练习,学生可以根据自己情况,或从练习一做到练习四,使学生在从易到难的过程中感受到成功;或只做基础练习(一,二),或只做提高练习(三,四),充分照顾到各层次学生的需求。

  Step 5:

  作业 1. 学生完成课本上定语从句练习。

  2. 写一篇介绍自己学校或班级的小短文,要求使用定语从句。

  3. 教学评价

  (以结果性评价为主,要求学生做些定语从句专项练习) 学习语法的目的是为了更好地进行口头或书面交际,因此设计作业2。


  课 型 阅 读 课 (基于网络)

  教学内容 Reading task (workbook)

  教学目标 1. 知识与技能:



  2. 过程与方法:



  3. 情感价值观:通过本节课的学习,增加学生的科学知识和培养学生的信息素养。


  难点 1. 教学重点:



  2. 教学难点



  教 学 过 程

  步 骤 教学活动 设计意图

  Step 1:

  Pre- reading Task 1: 学生观看一段旧金山地震短片。学生看过如下的问题后带着问题观看视频,然后小组讨论下列问题:

  1. What did you see in the video?

  2. How do you feel about the earthquake?

  3. Write an adjective to describe how you feel about the earthquake.

  4. Write an adjective to describe how you feel about the people of San Francisco. 利用视频导入阅读话题,首先给学生视觉上的冲击,制造信息沟。同时,学生在观看视频后表达自己的思想,进行预测。

  Step 2:

  While- reading 阅读如下网页,完成如下的任务。















  Task 2:根据所浏览网页内容,选择填空。

  1. Which was the most powerful of these famous California earthquakes?

  A. 1865 Santa Cruz Mountains earthquake

  B. 1906 San Francisco earthquake

  C. 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake

  2. Which famous opera singer, staying in the Palace Hotel at the time of the quake, later said, "The chandelier [in my room] was trying to touch the ceiling, and the chairs were all chasing each other"?

  A. Adelina Patti B. Enrico Caruso C. Luciano Pavarotti

  3. What caused the greatest damage to the city?

  A. The earthquake itself

  B. Tsunamis triggered by the earthquake

  C. Fire

  4. How many lives were lost in the earthquake and fire?

  A. 478 B. 3, 000 C. 25, 000

  5. Where did most San Franciscans, whose homes were destroyed in the quake, live in the immediate aftermath?

  A. In “tent cities” built by relief forces.

  B. With relatives elsewhere in California.

  C. In house boats anchored in San Francisco Bay.

  5. How long did it take to rebuild San Francisco after the disaster?

  6. What invention helped immortalize the 1906 earthquake in the public imagination?

  A. Photography B. The telegraph C. The radio

  Task 3: 小组合作,搜集资料,完成下列表格

  Earthquake safety do’s and don’ts

  What to do during an earthquake?

  If you are indoors

  If you are outside

  If you are driving

  If you are in a mountainous area

  If you are at the beach

  What to do after an earthquake?

  Check for injuries

  Safety check

  Clean up

  Expect aftershock

  Earthquake drills, plans, and supplies

  what drills Practice at home?

  Develop earthquake plans at home and at school

  What to take during an earthquake?

  Task 4: 小组合作,搜集有关旧金山大地震的资料完成下列表格。

  San Francisco’s earthquake in 1906



  Loss of buildings

  Other information



  本部分的阅读加深了学生对旧金山大地震的了解,特别是几位地震幸存者的自述,对于下一课时listening 部分的理解提供了背景资料,从而降低了听力练习的难度。

  任务二的目的在于加强学生对地震安全知识的了解。学生在广泛浏览网络资源后,用所获取的信息完成任务二的所有内容,将进一步了解在地震发生时和地震后应该采取什么措施减少损失,并且懂得在平时应该进行怎样的防震演练和制定防震计划等等。这样做一方面实现单元多元化的教学目的,另一方面为下一课时做练习册里的listening task听力练习,以及speaking task口头表达练习进行了充分的语言输入,打下基础,从而降低听力和口语练习的难度,使学生更有话可说。

  Step 2:

  post- reading Task 5: 小组合作,成果展示

  在组内活动的基础上,小组之间展开成果交流,相互学习。 成果展示,激发积极性;读后输出。

  Step 4: homework 1. 课后完成reading task部分第一、二两题。

  2. Cooperative Learning学生在网上搜集旧金山地震图片,在学生自主学习的基础上,按照预先的分组,小组交流和分享资料,达成共识,建立资料卡,整理汇报思路,制作powerpoint演示文稿,准备向全班汇报旧金山地震的有关情况。 本课时没有使用课本上的内容,而把课本内容留给学生自学,体现了灵活处理教材的思想。

  第五课时 听说课(听力为主)

  课 型 听 说 课

  教学内容 Using language 中 Listening 与 Workbook 中的 listening task, speaking task对课文的扩展,可以整合为一节课。

  教学目标 1. 语言知识:

  进一步掌握与地震相关的词汇如crack, cut across, fall down, lie in ruins , destroy等的用法。

  2. 语言技能:




  3. 情感态度:


  教学重难点 重点:

  1. 通过听前活动和听中活动任务的完成,掌握预测大意等听力策略。

  2. 通过听力资料,进一步了解旧金山大地震的情况。

  3. 在听力输入的基础上进行口头和书面表达语言实践。


  1. 指导学生掌握连读、不完全爆破等语音语调技巧以及推理、判断技能。

  2. 指导学生对听力信息进行概括并根据所听内容推测作者的心情。

  教 学 过 程

  步 骤 教学活动 设计意图

  Step 1:pre- listening Task 1: 学生在上节课的基础上,小组合作,搜集有关资料,制作powerpoint演示文稿。各小组向全班汇报。 在听材料前,教师引导学生交谈有关听力内容的话题,降低新学内容的难度,提高学生的参与意识。

  Task 2: 听前预测



  听第一遍录音完成练习一,多媒体展示表格,让学生进行自我评价。 要求学生提前浏览课后练习,为学生提供听的具体任务,让学生知道自己将做什么,为学生完成听的任务提供了听力过程中可追寻的线索,让学生更准确地进行猜测,为学生听时训练作好准备。

  Step 2:While- listening Task 3:听第二遍完成练习二。教师点击幻灯片,在屏幕上显示参考答案,让学生提出并讨论各自存在的疑问。


  Task 4:听第三遍完成练习三。

  要求学生正确读出三句中的连读和失去爆破等语音现象。然后,在教师的帮助下,归纳出其规则。 听时活动的目的是听主题大意和捕捉细节信息;判断真伪(冗余与有效信息);边听边做笔记;完成任务(选择、填空、简答、连线配对、画图、判断、补全信息等);熟悉口语的特点(连读和重音等);讨论。本遍听力练习的目的是让学生从整体上听懂原文。

  Step 3: Post- listening Task 5: 小组活动


  (1) If you are OUTDOORS, …

  (2) If you are in a HIGH BUILDING, …

  (3) If you are DRIVING, …

  (4) If you are HAVING CLASS, …

  (5) If you are in a CINEMA, …

  (5) If you are………

  Task 6: Discussion小组讨论


  用多媒体展示一些供学生讨论的东西 引导学生对听力材料潜在的意义进行理解,讨论相关问题。就与听力材料有关的日常生活经验问题进行创造性的讨论,要求学生运用学过的语言材料进行合理的表达。关于这些问题听力材料中没有现成的答案,因而答案是多样的,这个训练活动对于学生运用已学知识,培养学生发散思维、创新能力极为有益。


  Step 4:homework 1. 为校报写一封稿件,介绍地震发生的防震救生知识,即What are the do’s and don’ts in an earthquake。

  2. 本课时学习效果评价。设计评价方式,以过程性评价为主。 在多媒体网络环境下,要求学生按照教师创设的情景或自己创设情景进行对话以达到所学知识的意义建构的最终目标。


  课 型 写 作 课

  教学内容 Writing---结合单元教学话题,写一则新闻报道。

  教学目标 学习新闻体裁的写作方法。

  教 学 过 程

  步 骤 教学活动 设计意图

  Step 1:

  感知新闻写作体裁 Task1: 示范阅读



  Paragraph1 Main idea

  Detail 1

  Detail 2

  Detail 3

  Paragraph2 Main idea

  Detail 1

  Detail 2

  Detail 3


  Step 2: 理解新闻体裁写作

  Step 3:运用所学内容进行写作 Task 2: 就上述两篇新闻报道,学生小组讨论下列问题

  (1) What should you write before writing a newspaper story? (outline)

  (2) What should a newspaper outline have?

  (3) Why a headline is needed?

  (4) How can you finish a newspaper story?

  (5) Have you found out the difference between a newspaper story and a short story?

  Task 3: 写作新闻报道


  各小组内活动,确定一个写作主题,准备向校报投稿,写一件发生在自己身边的特殊的事。如a big fire, an earthquake, a storm, a flood…, 例如,某小组选择写作主题为a heavy storm。


  小组成员独立思考,采用brainstorming的方法,在三到五分钟时间内列举出自己能想到的与a heavy storm有关的词语。如:time, death, lost, money, house, road, carry, bridge, cry, tree, wind, missing, crop,


  小组成员集体活动,讨论每个成员呈现的有关词语中,为了写作新闻报道的需要,哪些可以保留,哪些可以去掉。如,留下如下的单词time, death, happen, lost, house, road, carry, tree, wind, missing, …


  小组成员讨论,为拟写的新闻报道确定一个标题。把留下的单词进行分组,每组体现一个中心(main idea)。再用一句话把每组的中心意思表达出来。






  每组成员根据集体讨论意见修改各自的短文,最后定稿。 在有了充分的感性材料输入的基础上,对材料本质意思的理解很重要。但这个阶段的课堂也不是完全由教师主宰,不是灌输给学生,而是在教师的启示下,学生在已有知识的基础上,经过同伴互助,归纳总结出新的知识。








  Step 4:

  成果展示与评价 1. 教师面向全班讲评。


  2. 自我评价。设计三份评价表格,从不同角度对学生的作品进行评价,尤其突出形成性评价。

  (1) 学习过程的评价

  (2) 学习结果的评价

  (3) 教师综合评价 先让学生自行修改一遍(或写二稿),其次是小组互评,然后才由教师来评价。一方面会大大减轻教师的负担,另一方面学生从自评、互评中受益匪浅。

  reading earthquake教学设计三

  一、教案背景 1、面向学生:中学 2、学科:英语 3、课时:两课时 4、学生课前准备: (1)预习教材 94—95 页的内容。 (2)以小组分工形式搜集以下地震的相关资料并完成下列表格: names of earthquakes the Tangshan earthquake the Wenchuan earthquake the Yushu eart

  hquake the Haiti earthquake the Chile earthquake 请你用英语写出关于地震的几句话: when where the number of deaths


  地震发生时你的 性别 学生 编号 自救方式请选择: 你对地震 恐惧吗 你是否关注 地震各种信 息 a 按照平时演练有秩序快速 疏散到操场 b 手抱住头部躲 在桌子下 c 手抱住头部躲在 墙角 1 2 . 40 男 女 是 否 是 否 我校地震逃 生演练次数 够吗 够 不够 我县处于 强地震带 吗 是 否

  (4)搜集资料:如何在灾难中自救。 二、教学课题 译林版牛津初中英语(八年级上)Module 2 Unit 6 Natural disasters Reading The Taiwan earthquake 三、教学目标 知识目标 目标: (一)知识目标: 1、学习掌握课文四会内容。 2、了解台湾地震的整个过程。 3、掌握课文大意,并能按照事件发生顺序复述课文内容。 能力目标: (二)能力目标: 1、培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。


  2、进一步理解、应用过去进行时。 3、培养学生良好的听、说、读、写综合语言能力。 情感态度目标 目标: (三)情感态度目标: 1、通过学习主人公在地震中的活动,培养学生勇敢、不畏艰难的精神。激发学生珍爱生命 及自我保护意识。


  四、教材分析 1、教材版本: 教材版本: 教材版本 凤凰出版传媒集团、译林出版社义务教育课程标准试验教科书《牛津初中英语(八年级 上)。 》 2、学情分析: 学情分析: 学情分析 本课以 1999 年台湾 9.21 大地震为背景,男孩 Timmy 用第一人称叙述了在地震中他被困 瓦砾堆下的故事, 给人以亲身经历的感觉。 这种感觉很容易使学生倾心地去听、 去读、 去说, 或为故事中人物的命运和事件的发展深刻感受遭遇地震的恐惧不安和死里逃生。 这篇课文语境真实,有利于课堂交际活动的真实开展。在教学中我设计了 Do you know how to protect yourself if there is an earthquake here? 等问题,由课内延伸到课外,增大学生的 知识量,拓展了学生的思维,从而达到综合运用语言进行交际的目的。 3、教学重点: 教学重点: 教学重点 1.了解有关地震的基本知识。 2. 通过阅读,理解课文大意并理清事情发生的顺序。


  4、教学难点: 教学难点: 教学难点 进一步理解、应用过去进行时。 5、教学准备: 教学准备: 教学准备 (1)利用百度搜索好教学所需的地震相关视频和音乐。 (2)多媒体、录音机。 (3)对学生调查表进行分析统计。 五、教学方法 1、教学方法 情境教学法、任务型教学法 2、学习方法 预习、自主学习、合作学习 六、教学过程 第一课时: 第一课时: Step 1 情景导入 分钟 情景导入(4 分钟) 【小组活动】 小组展示课前用百度引擎 http://www.baidu.com/搜集完成的合作成果 names of earthquakes the Tangshan earthquake the Wenchuan earthquake the Yushu earthquake the Haiti earthquake the Chile earthquake when

  on 28 July,1976 on 12 May,2008 on 14 April,2010 on 12 Jan,2010 on 27 Feb,2010

  where in Tangshan in Sichuan in Gansu in Haiti in Chile


  the number of deaths 242,000 69,142 2220 222,500 802

  请 你 用 英 语 写 出 关 于 地 震 的 几 句 话 : The Tangshan/ Wenchuan /... earthquake happened on...in...Many people died in the earthquakes.We should help the people in the disaster. We should hold more earthquake exercises. When an earthquake happens,we should run to the playground.We should be brave . ... 【设计意图】让学生通过了解几次大地震的基本情况,激发学生脑海中的地震图式,并能用 】 几句英语句子描述地震。 T:An earthquake is a disaster , isn’t it ?引入课题:The Taiwan earthquake : Step 2 呈现 分钟 呈现(6 分钟) 1【师生活动】 【百度视频 01:07】http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/13515276-1192284773.html 】 T:Where and when did the earthquake happen? What is the big noise like ? What can you see in the video? S:It happened on May 12 in Wenchuan. The big noise is like thunder / bombs under the ground . I can see mountains and trees shaking , big stones falling down . I can see people screaming in fear , running wildly . 【设计意图】 通过该视频提问检查小组成员课前自主学习的准备情况,检查四会内容预习 : 情况,引入本课部分重要单词。 2【教师活动】板书学生回答时提到的新单词,并带读。 3【学生活动】完成 P96B1 练习,加深对新单词的理解。 Step 3 听力练习 分钟 听力练习 分钟) 练习(6 1【教师活动】 T:There was also an earthquake in Taiwan on 21 , September in 1999. About 2,000 people lost their lives , but a boy named Timmy survived. He is a survivor. Let’s listen to see what happened to him. 播放课本 94—95 页录音。 2【学生活动】 听录音,完成课本 97 页 D 部分判断正误。 3【师生活动】 学生朗读 D 部分判断正误的句子,教师与学生一起核对答案,就错误的句子要求学生改正 并朗读。 【设计意图】 通过听力练习,让学生整体感受课文,同时训练学生的听说能力。 : Step 4 阅读 阅读(15 分钟 分钟) 1【师生活动】 (1)教师再次播放课文录音,学生跟读 2 遍,教师用多媒体展示以下问题,并提问检查学生 对课文的理解: (1)、What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started ? (2)、Why did people scream ? (3)、Where did Timmy try to run when the real noice came,like bombs under the ground ? (4)、Why did people run wildly in all directions ? (5)、What happened to the building ? (6)、How did Timmy feel when he was trapped ?


  (7)、What did he tell himself when he was trapped ? (8)、Did Timmy eat up the chocolare ? Why not ? (9)、Did he survive the earthquake ? (10)、How was Timmy saved ? 【设计意图】 让学生通过问题阅读来验证对篇章的整体理解,该部分主要采用 5-W 设计提 : 问,其中(7)、What did he tell himself when he was trapped ? 和 (8)、Did Timmy eat up the 、 、 chocolare ? Why not ? 两个问题的设计目的是为了教学生在面对灾难时要冷静, 随身食品不 要一下吃完,而要作为维持生命的延续。 Step 5 练习 练习(14 分钟 分钟) 2【学生活动】 (1) 、先小组内朗读,再全班朗读,然后小组合作完成下列表格并展示: Noise At first Then / A big noise like thunder Children screamed The real noise came like bombs The noise ended People do / looked at each other in fear; Childre were frightened What happened / / Timmy felt a slight shaking /


  ran in all directions; ran wildly

  Pieces of glass and bricks fell down

  tried my best to run,too calmed down; could not see at all

  Final -ly

  (2) 、完成课本 97 页 c 部分练习,选 3 位学生根据排好序的图片复述课文大意。 (3) 、在音乐中完成课本 96 页 B2 部分练习 【百度视频】http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/C1GBeIg6FUs/ 】 (4) 、朗读课本 97 页 c 部分练习,小组核对答案。 【设计意图】 让学生通过朗读和练习,获得对文章的细节理解和把握,图片排序有助于学 : 生掌握课文大意,为运用所学知识复述课文内容做准备,音乐《让爱转动整个宇宙》是让学 生感受台湾人在 9.21 地震灾难后重建家园的奇迹和和对生活的坚强。 Homework Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and learing English. 板书设计: 板书设计 The Taiwan earthquake(1) ( )

  用几句英语句子描述地震 The Tangshan/ Wenchuan /... earthquake 听录音 1、完成课本 97 页 D 部分判断正误。 2、回答问题 (1)、。。。 。。。 。。。 。。。 (7)、What did he tell himself when he was trapped ? (8)、Did Timmy eat up the chocolare ? Why not ? 。。。 。。。

  happened on...in...Many people died in the earthquakes.We should help the people in the disaster. We should hold more earthquake exercises. When an earthquake happens,we should run to the playground.We should be brave . ...


  生词、短语、句子 生词、短语、 1、The big noise is like thunder / bombs under 、 the ground . 2、What can you see in the video? I can see。。shaking , 。 3、P96B1 练习 falling down .

  练习 1、完成课本 97 页 c 部分练习,根据排好序的图片 复述课文大意。 2、完成课本 96 页 B2 部分练习

  screaming in fear , running widly .

  第二课时: 第二课时: 课时 Step 6 练习 练习(12 分钟 分钟) 1、 【学生活动】 、 (1)First watch a video about an earthquake in Haiti ,Then complete the following artile: 【百度视频 01:32】 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcxNTA2ODEy.html 】 The building was shaking when the earthquake started . We can hear clearly pieces of bricks falling down the ground . A man in blue was running out of the building at the moment . The walls were shaking . Another three men were running wildly in all directions because they were very frightened . We can hear a loud noise like thunder/bombs under the ground . Then the walls began to come down , At last all calmed down. (2)Ask Ss to read the above article. 【设计意图】 借助海地大地震的真实视频,让学生通过视、听来完成填空,达到对过去进 : 行时的理解和应用,即把语法放到真实的语言环境中加以学习,同时对部分重点词语、短语 加以巩固。 (3)词组练习 1、When hearing the loud thunder ,he felt a heavy shaking through his body .(一阵巨大的摇晃 传过他的身体) 2、The baby calmed down (平静下来) after listening to teh beautiful music . 3、I was doing some shopping (在购物) when the earthquake took place . 4、Timmy shouted for help(大喊救命) but no one came for a long time . 5、People in the shop center looked at each other in fear (惊恐地相互看着). 6、When seeing the snake , the girls ran in all directions (四下逃窜). (4)Translation 1、起先,他感觉到一丝轻微的震动传遍全身。 At first,he felt a slight shaking through his dody. 2、地震开始时,我正尽力朝操场跑去。 When the earthquake started,I was trying my best to run to the playground. 3、今早我看到她时,她正急匆匆地赶去上学。 When I saw her this morning,she was in a great hurry to go to school. 4、人们在疯狂奔逃时,一块块玻璃和砖块直下掉。 People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down . Step 7 活动 1、 【学生活动】(13 分钟 分钟) 、 (1)Work in pairs One acts as a reporter , the other acts as Tommy . The reporter interviews Tommy with such as the following questions :


  (1)How did you feel at first when the earthquake happened ? (2)What was the big noise like ? (3)What were people doing while pieces of glasses and bricks were falling down . (4)What did you feel when you were trapped ?And what did you do ? (5)Did you shout for help ? (6)Where did you know when you were trapped ? (7)How did the people save you from the ruins ? (2)Ask some volunteers to act out 【设计意图】 采访活动中给学生提供可能用到的问题,目的在于给学生建立脚手架,让学 : 生伸伸手可摘桃,让每个学生都能有话可说,有利于培养学生自信心,使每个学生都能积极 主动地参与到活动中来。 2、 【师生活动】(6 分钟 分钟) 、 T: Show Ss the following survey summary , which is based on the Ss’survey . 95 percentt of you are afraid of an earthquake , and we know Donghai county lies in a seismic activity area . Do you know how to protect yourself if there is an earthquake here? 调查统计表

  地震发生时你的 性 别 人数 百分比 自救方式请选择: a 按照平时演练有 秩 序 快 速疏 散 到 操场 b 手抱住头 部躲在桌子下 c 手 抱 住 头部 躲 在 墙角 abc 男 19 19 是 17 89.5% 女 21 21 21 100% 汇 总 40 40 100% 38 95% 否 2 10.5% 0 0% 2 5% 是 16 84.2% 13 61.9% 29 72.5% 否 3 15.8% 6 38.1% 9 27.5% 够 18 94.7% 19 90.5% 37 92.5% 不够 1 5.3% 2 9.5% 3 7.5% 是 18 94.7% 17 81% 35 87.5 否 1 5.3% 4 19% 5 12.5% 是 否 你对地震恐惧吗 你是否关注地 震重大信息 是 否 我校地震逃生 演练次数够吗 够 不够 我县处于强地 震带吗 是 否

  T: Groups of four students to discuss the topic, and then representatives of each group to speak. How to protect yourself if there is an earthquake here? (1)We should run to the playground as fast as we can. (2)I should help the girls / others. (3)I should be brave,not frighened. (4)We had better hide in the corner / under desks. (5)We should calm down and be not in chaos. 。。。 。。。 【设计意图】 通过开展小组活动,培养学生在面临灾难来临时,要勇敢、要有互帮互助的 : 团队精神,同时也激发了学生要珍爱生命及自我保护意识。从而将知识由课内延伸到课外, 增大了学生的知识量。 3、 【学生活动】(14 分钟 分钟) 、


  (1)根据视频内容和首字母提示完成下列文章: 【百度视频 05:38】http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/GkPL9fAmYG8/ 】 The Wenchuan earthquake A sudden heavy earthquake hit Wenchuan at 14:28 on May 12,2008. The earthquake flattened the beautiful Wenchuan to the ground .More than 6,9000 people lost their lives and tens of thousands of people became homeless in the disaster. In pictures : People were trying their best to save trapped persons in the buildings .An old man was sitting on the ruins .Dead bodies and the injured were everywhere .A father only found his child.’s schoolbag in the ruins. Many people were crying for their lost relatives .They were in deep sorrow. PM Wen Jiabao was in a greay hurry to come to the disaster area in the fist time to guide rescue work. Lots of people donated money and blood to Wenchuan. While watching , I could not help crying. As students, we should try our best to help them . (2)Ask Ss to present the answers . (3)Read the article ,

  【设计意图】:一是让学生对所学内容加以巩固和提高,并能学以致用,如过去进行时、 :

  重点单词和词组的使用; 二是培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力, 并能从视频中获 取信息和转化信息的能力; 三是通过让学生观看这些催人泪下的惨烈场景、 感人肺腑的细节, 去感受、体验灾难中所显示出来的民族精神,从而培养学生珍爱生命、不畏艰难和团结互助 的精神。

  Homework 1、Try to recite the text. 2、Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and learing English.

  板书设计 The Taiwan earthquake(2) ( )

  一、Watch and complete the artile: was shaking、 started 、 pieces、 bricks (1)We should run to the playground as fast as we can. (2)I should help the girls / others. (4)We had better hide in the corner / under desks. (5)We should calm down and be not in chaos. ...... 3、根据视频内容和首字母提示完成下列文章 earthquake、 May 12,、 lives 、disaster、trapped 、was sitting 、 bodies 、everywhere 、in a greay 、money、 blood 、crying、 try

  falling 、 running out 、 were shaking 、 (3)I should be brave,not frighened. three 、 running wildly directions frightened 、 noise 、thunder/bombs 、 ground 、come down 、 calmed 二、Activities 1、Work in pairs 2、Discuss: How to protect yourself if there is an earthquake here?

  八、教学反思 本课是一篇阅读课,是以台湾 9.21 大地震为背景,以幸存男孩 Timmy 的切身经历为主 线。在教学设计上主要采用情境教学法和任务型教学法。各教学环节紧紧围绕知识目标、能 力目标和情感态度目标进行展开,力求突出重点和突破难点。 本课阅读任务分为三个阶段,即任务前、任务中和任务后。任务前以情景导入来激发学 生的地震图式,引入四会内容,解决学生的语言障碍;任务中通过听读练习、一览表、视频 等问题设置,并借助问答、讨论、小组活动探究、复述等形式进行教学活动开展,有利于学 生先整体,后细节,再整体获取文章信息和转化文章信息的能力,这也是对学生的阅读技能


  和阅读方法的培养,同时对单、短语和句子起到巩固和提高的作用。任务后借助海地大地 震和汶川大地震的真实视频,让学生通过视、听来完成填空,达到对过去进行时的理解和应 用,即把语法放到真实的语言环境中加以学习和巩固,从而有效突破教学难点;使用调查统 计表,通过开展小组采访活动,培养了学生勇敢、互帮互助的团队精神,同时也激发了学生 珍爱生命及自我保护意识,使学生的情感目标再次得到升华。 本节课教学活动的设计,无论是问题设计的层次性、艺术性和真实性,还是视频资源的 合理使用、 学生目标的达成情况和阅读技能的培养等方面都取得了很好的效果。 但美中不足 的是本课话题稍微有些沉重,班级中有 95%的学生对地震感到害怕,对学生的心理健康或多 或少会产生一些影响, 这就需要我在以后类似话题的教学中要借助我校心理咨询教师对学生 的心理多做一些必要的心理辅导。 八、教师个人介绍

earthquake教学设计,reading earthquake教学设计(三篇)


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